Troy, Mo. – The Kiwanis Club of Troy, Missouri is holding the annual “Kiwanis Kids Golf Tournament,” on April 30 at Woods Fort Golf Course in Troy.
The funds raised from hole sponsorship will be used to continue our work supporting children in our community. For additional information, or if your organization would like to participate as a sponsor, please visit the club’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TroyMOKiwanis, or contact any Troy Kiwanis member.
The Kiwanis Club of Troy supports community projects such as the new Kiwanis Park, located at 450 Trojan Circle in Troy, student scholarships and assistance to children in need. The club raises money for projects by sponsoring events such as the annual golf tournament.
“Kids need Kiwanis in our community and in communities around the world,” said Cindy Davenport. “Our club believes in children and wants to provide all kids with an opportunity to thrive, prosper and grow. The Kiwanis Club of Troy, Missouri welcomes new members who want to serve their community.”
Information about becoming a member is available at https://www.facebook.com/TroyMOKiwanis, or by joining the monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at the Troy Chamber of Commerce at noon.
This news is republished from another source. You can check the original article here